
How To Set Up A Gsuite Account

Gmail has served your email needs for years, Google Docs helped you write your most crucial documents, and Google Hangouts allow yous chat over your ideas with colleagues. But at present you've started a company and landed a shiny new domain name. Information technology's time to await professional and electronic mail from instead of

Yous don't have to leave Gmail—or whatever of the other Google Apps—behind, though. Instead, with K Suite, you lot can get all of Google's productivity tools on your ain domain. Information technology's the same Google Apps yous love, with extra features to assist your new team work together amend.

All it takes is $5/month per team fellow member, an 60 minutes or and then to fix things up, and perhaps a day for your domain's email to start working.

Let's dig in.

What Is M Suite?

G Suite

Previously called Google Apps for Business, M Suite is the business version of everything Google offers.

Just as a Gmail account lets you use all of Google's tools for your personal needs, a G Suite account gives y'all the business organisation versions of the aforementioned tools with an electronic mail address that uses your company'due south .com or other domain address. The online apps look and work the same, for the most part, with your visitor's logo instead of Google's logo in the apps. And for your company's IT admins, G Suite comes with some extra G Suite sharing and management tools to help your squad work together better and go on your data secure.

It'southward one of the best ways to get email on your own domain, along with the rest of Google'southward apps that'll aid your company members collaborate.

How Much Does G Suite Cost?

Gmail is famously free—as are most of Google'south consumer apps—with 15GB of storage for your emails and files. For business email and collaboration, though, you'll need a paid Thousand Suite account.

For most teams, Grand Suite costs $five per month per person on your team for a Basic account. That'll requite you the full core Google apps experience you'd expect, with Gmail on your company's domain and 30GB of storage per user. It also includes 24/7 online and phone back up, along with cadre sharing and management tools such equally team shared calendars and mobile device management with remote wipe.

Demand more than storage, archive and retention policies for emails, and audit reports to rail what your team is doing in G Suite? The $10/month per user G Suite Business organization plan offers just that, with unlimited storage and archiving for every user.

Either way, you lot tin start out for free with a xiv-mean solar day trial while y'all're setting things upwardly, and and so can choose the best plan for your squad—or get-go out with Basic and upgrade to Business as your squad's needs grow.

Tip: Need alias emails similar that go to your help desk app, or Google Group emails to message your entire squad at once? You can add as many of those as you need for free, without adding an extra user per address.

Set Upward Your G Suite Account

Create a new G Suite account

Yard Suite works great for pocket-size or large teams alike

Fix to brand your company's G Suite account? Just click the Get Started button on the Chiliad Suite site. Enter your company name, and select the number of employees your company has. Don't worry—you tin can always add together more people equally your team grows.

So, select your company's location for locale and billing purposes, and enter a current email accost—perhaps the Gmail business relationship you lot're already using. That's where Google will send your account info afterward you sign up.

You tin and then enter your electric current domain name, or search for a new domain name to use with G Suite if y'all don't already have one. Google charges $12/year for .com domain names.

All that's left is making your own G Suite account. Enter your name and an electronic mail address you lot want to use for yourself with your domain, along with a password for your new G Suite Google account. You'll use this email address and password to log into any Google apps in the futurity.

Set up G Suite

Google volition then give you a phone number to call a Google counselor and let them walk yous through the steps of setting up your G Suite account. Merely it's not that difficult—so if yous feel comfortable managing your domain name and website, you should be fine setting up 1000 Suite on your own.

Click Next, and you'll see the G Suite setup screen. It makes setting up the balance of your account every bit simple as filling out a Google Form.

Add together G Suite Users During Setup

Add users to G Suite

You tin can add your unabridged team to G Suite at present—or wait and add others later

The first step is calculation your squad to Grand Suite. You tin enter each of your squad members' names and the electronic mail address y'all desire them to have on your domain. Or, if you desire, you tin can majority-add them someday later from G Suite's admin settings.

Either fashion, cheque the I added all electric current users box, and One thousand Suite will evidence you a template email that it'll send to each new user. You'll demand to add each of their current electronic mail addresses so Google tin can transport them the info.

Tip: Google will immediately send the notification emails to your team, though your custom electronic mail addresses won't work simply yet. You'll likely need to wait another day or then before relying on your new email addresses.

Verify Your Domain Name with Chiliad Suite

G Suite verify domain name

You need to verify your domain name in addition to setting your DNS settings

You're about done. All that'south left now is to verify your domain proper noun and set up your DNS server to ship your company'southward emails to G Suite'southward Gmail.

First, verifying your domain. Google will find where your domain name is hosted, if possible, and requite y'all the link to log into your domain management page. 1 of the simplest ways to verify your domain is by adding a meta tag to your website's header section, or uploading an HTML file to your website'southward server. The first selection is piece of cake if your website is powered by WordPress. Just open your site's admin page at, and so click Appearance -> Editor in the lefthand menu, and select Header in the file list on the correct. Add the meta tag before the </head> tag in the code editor, and save your changes.

Add G Suite DNS records to cPanel

G Suite DNS settings in cPanel, a popular server management app

And so, y'all'll have to tweak your DNS settings to get Gmail emails on your domain—and you tin can add an actress record to verify your domain at the same time if you'd rather not add together a new meta tag to your site. For that, go to your domain name registrar, hosting account, or server settings, and find your domain proper noun settings. In Digital Body of water, for example, you'll observe the DNS settings under the Networking options. With many shared or VPS hosts, you'll use cPanel to manage your site—and information technology has a dedicated DNS settings page.

Either manner, add the DNS settings Google shows in your G Suite setup page, and save the changes. You can and so tell Google to verify your domain, and information technology'll start doing that—with an hour timer counting down until your account is ready.

Notation: DNS changes can have up to a twenty-four hour period to propagate through the net, so you lot might want to expect a day or so before you start relying on your new electronic mail address.

Manage Your New M Suite Account

G Suite Admin

Everything you demand to manage your team

And that's information technology—your squad at present has Gmail accounts on your own domain, forth with all of Google'southward other not bad apps. If you've already added your team members, yous could stop right here. Thousand Suite will keep your team's Gmail, Google Drive, and more running without you ever needing to tweak annihilation.

Gmail with custom logo


If you would like to tweak your team's settings and customize G Suite for your team, though, merely login to One thousand Suite Admin with your new visitor e-mail address. The Profile settings are what you lot'll want to check first—that's where y'all can set your company proper name, language, time zone, and other locale settings. Y'all can likewise upload your company logo to replace Google's logo in each of Google's apps—as our team has washed.

Tip: There are a lot of other settings you can tweak equally a 1000 Suite administrator—check out our guide to Working equally a Team in G Suite to learn how to customize your company'south Grand Suite account.

Add More Users to Your Account

Add G Suite Users

Still demand to add team members to your G Suite account? You'll observe a link to do just that on your Thousand Suite admin homepage—or can open the Users settings page to add users from there. Either way, yous tin add people individually, just as you lot would during the initial setup.

The best option, though, is to majority add users. Google includes a spreadsheet file that you can download and add all of your users' names, e-mail addresses, and other contact info at one time. Relieve that file, so re-upload it to G Suite admin—and in a few minutes, Google can add equally many people to your team every bit you need.

G Suite make user admin

New users volition exist standard, non-admin users by default. If you want to add other admin users that tin can help yous manage G Suites, only open your Thou Suite User settings and select the squad fellow member you want to make an admin. Click Show More than on their settings folio, select Admin Roles, then click Manage Roles. There, yous tin gear up them to be an admin, with the business relationship rights you need their account to take.

Work Together equally a Squad in G Suite

That's all. In just a few minutes, yous'll have Gmail and the remainder of Google Apps on your company's own domain, complete with extra features to help yous work together equally a team.

At present that y'all've got new K Suite accounts for your squad, information technology's fourth dimension to learn how to import your data into G Suite—along with how to dorsum upwards your data so side by side time, moving won't exist then hard.

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